Sage 50 US Ideas Portal

When printing qtrly payroll reports..941s, state reports, why can't the default be the accounting period, instead of system date?

Reports>>>Forms Tab>>>Form Types= Tax forms>>>Forms=Payroll tax forms>>> Preview & Print, every form that is a quarterly form defaults to the quarter based on the system date, not the accounting period.  EVERY and I mean EVERY user has to change that default to the Quarter we are wanting to print,

so for 20 years, i have dealt with this insane way that Sage has this setup. For example, at 12;01 am on October 1st, the default period switches to 4th qtr. There is no way you can do 4th qtr reports at that point in time...or in 99.9% of the time for at least 3 months.  

If you could just have that default point to the accounting period that 'the company' is in, it would eliminate 99.9% of the times we are having to switch it for every company we process. And even, if we were going to process an older quarter, we would have to change the default one time, which we already do anyways.  There is no downside to this request, only upside.

  • Guest
  • Oct 25 2021