Sage 50 US Ideas Portal

Batch Emailing Employee Pay Stubs

I have to say that this is a feature that is long overdue, and I think it is crucial, especially in this time where we are all working remotely.  This should be a number one concern that should have been implemented in this program many years ago. 

Currently, the best and only way I have found to email employees check stubs is to open each check, print the check as a pdf, save the check, and then manually email each employee the check stub by attaching it to an email. This also provides no ability to make the pdf password protected automatically, which, if you password protected the PDF manually it would take much more precious time. 

This is an incredibly time consuming process.  This is even more hurtful knowing that Intuit Quickbooks and others already have this feature.  It really lessens the switching cost.  For example, it could take hours for the payroll provider to manually submit check stubs in Sage 50.  It takes only a matter of minutes using your competitors software. 

I think that this feature should be mandatory.  I believe if this is not implemented, I will switch to another software for running payroll for my clients, and choose not to renew my subscription. 

  • Guest
  • Apr 21 2020