Sage 50 US Ideas Portal

Have Ship To Contact Name and Phone Number stay with the Invoice

Our customers have multiple contacts and locations. The Ship To: Contact and Phone number selected when creating an invoice does not become a permanent part of the invoice. Sage tech support says it is not a "sticky data field". So if I add these fields to the packing slip the correct name and phone number does not show up.

  • Thomas Kell
  • Oct 27 2023
  • BRIAN SPILLER commented
    October 31, 2023 14:20

    I am pessimistic that SAGE will be able to correct a bad design in their database.

    There are Data Facts and Data Lookups. While Data Lookups help keep a database small, the Data Facts for any given transaction must remain the same regardless of other actions in the database.

    Understanding these differences is difficult to reconcile between the ideal database and the real-world of business. The Peachtree legacy is not a good start.