Sage 50 US Ideas Portal

Prior Pay Stubs Not Reflecting Accurate Historical Hourly Rate After Raise

When you go to print a paystub, the paystub HOURLY RATE will always show as the employee's current hourly pay. i.e. if an employee received a raise on August 1st for an hourly rate of pay of $23.00 (prior rate of $20.00), and you go back to January to print a paystub, the hourly rate will show as $23.00 even though their rate of pay was $20.00 at the time. I believe the rest of the info. on the paystub is correct (gross, net pay, etc.) but the hourly rate is incorrect. I contacted Sage and they told me I would have to manually update the employee's rate of pay to the prior rate of pay to accurately reflect the prior rate of pay on the paystub. This leaves lots of room for error!!

  • Stephanie Lewis
  • Aug 20 2024
  • BRIAN SPILLER commented
    August 21, 2024 19:53

    SAGE does not understand the difference between FACTS and LOOKUPS. A transaction that has been recorded is generally all FACTS. Facts do not change in general.

    This occurs in many other areas just as critical and make SAGE50(US) a terrible aplication for historic DATA. Unfortunately this problem is at the Database design level and would likely require a complete rewrite of the Software.