Sage 50 US Ideas Portal

Need a Quote Report that includes Quote #, Date, Conversion Status, AND LINE ITEM DETAILS

There is currently no quote report (or inventory report) that lists quotes and their line item details. A report similar to the Picklist Report would be useful, just showing Quote#, Customer ID/Name, Quote Date, Conversion Status, Conversion Date, And list all items on that quote.

Our sales team is tasked each month with pushing for POs from open quotes for certain product lines that have excess stock. Right now, we cannot see any list or report of items that are outstanding on quotes. We must manually view quotes from the inventory dashboard, item by item, or just open and flip through quotes to view items quoted.

Having a report like this would save our team HOURS, and allow us to find and work with exactly the transactions we need instantly.

  • Adrienne Lash
  • Aug 21 2024